Hey Brokers!

by Hey Brokers



JUST ASK TO GETYou can ask your questions about the world economy, breaking news and global financial markets, and get the answers as a notification to your mobile phone in just a few minutes.ALL IMPORTANT ECONOMISTS ARE TOGETHERYou can follow the publications and social media shares of the most important economists on your mobile phone.EDUCATIONAL VIDEOSYou can watch financial literacy training videos, which are important for performing profit-oriented transactions in all financial markets, and watch interviews where the most important economists share their experiences.NEWS AND ECONOMIC CALENDARYou can get the breaking news from all over the world simultaneously, received as a notification on your mobile phone, you can follow the economic data from the calendar.INSTANT ECONOMIC DATAS TRACKINGYou can watch live prices in crypto markets, foreign exchange prices, commodities and stock markets at the same time with the whole world.